FP Markets reaches 3000 reviews on Trustpilot - 92% rated as Excellent!
We are pleased to announce that FP Markets has recently accumulated over 3000 reviews on Trustpilot, one of the world’s most renowned and trusted rating platforms.
A staggering 92% of the reviews rated FP Markets as excellent! Take a look at some of our reviews!
FP Markets provides its traders with a first-class customer support experience which is unrivalled in the industry and our multilingual team is on hand 24/7 to respond instantaneously to assist traders with their extensive know-how and expertise.
Our dedication to improving customer experience has led to multiple customer service awards over the past 12 months, and FP Markets is continually striving to build on its customer experience to maintain its market-leading position. .
Take a look - our numbers speak for themselves!
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